Man, where has this week gone! It has totally flown by in a flurry of activity. I had an awesome wedding on Friday night, a jam packed weekend of portraits and non-stop end of year school activities and graduations. I'm busy. Don't get me wrong, I like to work. I might even go so far as to say, I love to work. But I also like a good glass of wine, maybe a little sewing on the quilt and an episode from the Netflix tv show de jour.
I was pretty excited to give up an evening Tuesday evening though to hit Seattle Arts and Lectures final event of the season--John Waters. He's a little obscure for some although becoming strangely mainstream (or fringely mainstream, like, say craigslist or Eminem). I have a little thrill of saying "I knew him when" but really it's just a cocktail party from back in the day when I lived in NYC and worked for the way-cooler-than-me-how-did-I-get-this-job Paper magazine.
Regardless, the man was super nice backstage. Super nice to everyone that made him sign stuff (include a naked butt I kid you not) and super dirty. That's right..he's a dirty birdy. There were gasps after gasps in between an hour of strained but sincere laughter. It was pretty cool. And pretty surreal to have just come from a 5th grade graduation square dance. It's hard to make my life up but it's pretty fun as it goes along...
Seattle Metropolitan Magazine did a shoot with him right before the show....I lurked about...

Okay, I even stole a shot...

I like this looks like his army photo...which I think would really tick him off...