Monday, December 8, 2008

The Marshmallows

I feel like I've fallen off the blogging planet...and just when I have the most to blog about! The excuses are endless...the holidays, the days without power while we did electrical work, then I got sick, then my computer got sick, then Marci turned 80...but I'm back and have so many exciting stories to tell...

I'll start with the Marshmallows. I went to Portland a few weeks back and photographed lots of old friends. It was awesome to see my sister in laws best friends family who moved from Dallas to Portland. I've seen these kids off and on for 10 years or so and I can confidently say they are the nicest, sweetest, most interesting, caring, best group of boys ever. And sassy...because you know, for me, all of the above wouldn't matter a whit if they didn't have a little spice too...
We tromped around their neighborhood and I thought they looked like a band (they are actually more of the string quartet but those need names too...). Xander wanted to be the Paul Reveres but I decided they would be the Marshmallows...

I think this is when the idea they were a band struck me...

When you fall and gets hurt and start to cry...sometimes a good tickle session will pull you out of it!
And to exemplify the reason I love these kids...we stopped at the fairy altar on the way home...and when I suggested it the 9 year old said, "Oh, that's a good idea, I love the fairy house". I rest my case.


jenzai studio said...

Oh, Libby, these are so wonderful. Thank you so much for posting them, even if it did make me cry a little. You're the absolute best.

jenzai studio said...

ps - would it be asking too much to have you throw in one or two of these with my Christmas present?

Anonymous said...

These are great. And we all know how hard it is to come by sweet, cute and fun preteen boys.