Friday, January 9, 2009

My cousins engagement

You know what's great about South Dakota...lots and lots of cornfields. What's great about family? They do what you ask (usually!). My cousin is getting married this year so while I was home for the holidays we did some engagement photos. So darn cute! She's a bit younger than me so we didn't really come up together and it was great to be able to hang out and get to know each other a bit better!


Anonymous said...

oh my God, I want that photo! Not of them, but of me and Patrick. I want that photo of us kissing like that. It's gorgeous. Did she just die when she saw it? Or fall down on the ground and kiss your feet? : ) These are beautiful. And you're right, he's so cute!

Teresa @ good-grace said...

Oh, I love that photo of them in the cornfield!!