Thursday, March 19, 2009

Beasts and BooBoos

Ari went on vacation and it made last week so quiet. I kept feeling like I had forgotten to pick him up from he was standing on the curb waiting for sad.
And then he comes home and so much happens right they got a dog. And he has to have stitches (unrelated incidents!).
Ari saw him and said, "oh, it's scooter!". So Scooter it is...a big, huge, tall, super sweet, jolly, patient Scooter!

And then, that same evening, in the excitement of introducing scooter to granny and grampa he totally biffed it and had to get three stitches.


Anonymous said...

Oh man, I want a dog that cute.

Anonymous said...

That is a really cute dog.

Poor Ari! How did he fare through the stitches?