Thursday, January 29, 2009

baby quilt done!

Ahhh January! I'm home now and actually glad for it. Or at least not as traumatized by the cold as I thought I might be. My whole plan for vacation was to get so bored that I wanted to come home and tackle my to-do list. I didn't get bored but I did get relaxed and reinvigorated and excited to come home. First on my list was to finish up the quilts I started for my friend who had twins...they were almost 2 months early...totally catching me by surprise and making it completely impossible to get them done in the mad holiday rush. I love love love how they turned out and imagine them being well loved and well used...

It sort of looks like the wizard of marci got squished by the falling quilts...

Now to tackle the rest of the list...maybe I should finish those Christmas presents....


Anonymous said...

OMG! I want the one on the right on my bed. These are so great, lady. She is going to be thrilled.

Keanes in Dubai said...

Wow - those are fabulous! Well done getting them finished!! and off the 'to do' list. I like the leg attachments:)

Anonymous said...

holy moly libby those are gorgeous. Gorgeous I tell you! wow. If you have to be squished by falling quilts, well, these are the ones you want, I'm sure.

ShakenFruit said...

Libby! These are incredible!!! Beautiful! What a special, precious gift!