Thursday, May 14, 2009

SAL---Oh how I love you...

There have been some excellent SAL events this year...heck, just this month...and I'm told the last two, Shirin Ebadi on May 19th and Gary Snyder on May 27th, will not disappoint. It's not that I doubt it, it's just that last Friday was really one of the best lectures yet. I had been prepped to like Naomi Shihab Nye. A client had mentioned how much she loved her. And then her first night sold out. I don't know very many poets...okay, I probably don't need all the fingers on one hand to count the fact that the Hall sold out and was nearly so on a second night, astounded me.

Ms Nye was amazing...I sound like a reviewer...which I'm emphatically not (see aforementioned I know nothing about poetry disclaimer) but she made me cry, she made me laugh, she made me excited to hear what she would say next. Now that's pretty darn cool...even for poetry...

How can they do it? Have a witty, clever, off the cuff conversation in front of hundreds of people. I can barely manage to remember to ask how the weather is...

My favorite line: "Sometimes I pretend I'm not me, that I only work for me..."
So perfect. That's me. That's what I say. We always make fun of my boss. She's so mean, we steal office supplies from her and hope she doesn't notice.

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