Monday, September 22, 2008

Fall is here

You always think summer is going to go on forever. Especially when you have 80 degree September days...I don't think we had 80 degree July days around here. I don't know what happened to me this summer...usually it is neighborhood bar be ques, berry picking and grass mowing (my life between work is terribly exciting). But this summer we could just squeak in a celebratory end of summer BBQ and a last minute double pail full of berry picking.

Of course now there is no denying fall is here. I'm back at work...Seattle Arts and Lectures kicked off their season...and I'm back worrying that I'll get rained out...which I did this weekend. But...I'm also back to seeing my regular fall clients in all their one year older glory!

Ahhh...shorts and steaks....

Richard Russo is a pretty funny guy...he took it in stride when I asked him to look up and give me a little sugar...but I think it caught him off guard just a little...

You know how I feel about big banners, right? Love them...Well, that's my big banner right on stage of a totally packed Benaroya Hall...
Last time I saw this family Jayden wasn't even he very clearly runs the show...
This isn't exactly what I had in mind for this shot but I think it might perfectly sum up the kids...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know how I feel about you photographing other people's children!

What are these Seattle Arts and Lecture's events like? They look so glamorous. (oh, and I didn't know about your thing for banners...)

LOVE the picture of the backyard BBQ. Such nice composition.