Monday, April 14, 2008

What I learned at WPPI

We had an awesome weekend shooting Maddy and Mike's Wedding. Okay, that was such a photographer blog thing to say. But honestly, we set up a background and shot some crazy photos of nearly every guest and the photos are so stinkin funny, cute, outrageous, etc..... There's a little slideshow but, and hence the title of the blog, it's a new program we got at WPPI and the actually outputting the slideshow is causing many headaches. Arghhh new technology....

I feel sort of on-fire from WPPI. I actually said "I'm totally on fire" over lunch when referring to my recent work and enthusiasm. I think soda was spit across the table but regardless...

So, this is just a little experiment we did after WPPI when a presenter shot with a video light. I had to rush out and rent one to play with which I'm totally glad I did since I'm going to "rock" it this weekend (I told you, I'm on fire). I'm going to have the slideshow online tomorrow (big happy wishful positive thinking attitude) but until then here's a few of my neighbor Marcia from the lighting experiment.

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